Auto Accident Lawyer San Antonio Texas

If a family member or loved one has been in a car accident in San Antonio TX and has suffered a catastrophic injury you should seek legal assistance immediately. Whether the accident was their fault or the fault of someone else, there are many regulations governing what is considered a catastrophic injury and can greatly reduce or alter your benefits if not handled in a timely manner.
Typically, the guidelines of a catastrophic injury as it is used to determine a person’s eligibility for insurance pay-out is as follows:
• paraplegia or quadriplegia (paralysis in lower extremities or full-body paralysis)
• amputation of a limb or another impairment causing the total and permanent loss of use of an arm or a leg
• total loss of vision in both eyes
• brain damage
• certain impairments or combinations of impairments that result in 55% or more impairment of the whole person
• impairments that result in market or extreme impairment due to mental of physical disorders.
No one plans a car accident and especially to sustain catastrophic injuries; having the right insurance coverage is essential. The insurance benefit received is designed to help pay for expenses related to medical and rehabilitative treatment, housekeeping assistance, long –term caregiver expenses and medical bills.
If a loved one has sustained a catastrophic injury as a result of a car accident; regardless who is at fault, then you should contact a Auto Accident Lawyer in San Antonio immediately. A qualified injury lawyer will be able to quickly negotiate with your insurance company or commence legal action in order to obtain the financial compensation they require for their injuries.
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